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NanoHack, an open-source 3D printed mask against COVID-19

The manufacturer of 3D printing materials Copper3D has just put online an open-source STL file of a N95 mask, which can be 3D printed and used against the COVID-19 virus. Its Hack The Pandemic initiative is global and aims to mobilize all manufacturers of machines, fablabs, printing services, etc. to create these masks quickly – the lack of which is a burden for hospitals and healthcare professionals. For some, it is difficult to be entirely reassured about the effectiveness of the mask called NanoHack, however, the company claims that many scientists are behind this project and that a patent application has been filed. Copper3D is a new player in the medical field, nevertheless the various products it has developed, including its antibacterial materials based on copper nanoparticles, do suggest that its solutions are effective.

You can find on the Cults platform a STL file to print its protection mask against COVID-19. It can be 3D printed in PLA and with a layer thickness of 2.5 mm. Keep in mind that it cannot be guaranteed that it will be completely efficient.
Finally, you should know that the European Commission has made an urgent request for more masks and fans for breathing apparatus. Mobility Goes Additive acts as an intermediary between the players in the additive manufacturing industry who could design these parts and the commission.

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